Ou experienced team specialise in steel frame construction and fabrication, bespoke livestock handling systems and the installation and maintenance of grain dryers and stores. Thorburns are the main distributors for Clipex in Scotland and North England, as well as manufacturing and distributing the full Premier range.
Duns Industrial Estate, Unit 1 Station RoadDuns
TD11 3HS
United Kingdom
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Save 1 in every 7-10 bales, with our Catle Feed Saver Trailer! Loved by farmers across Scotland, Premier have designed a trailer to solve your biggest problem throughout winter.
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Thorburn Group offer a Turnkey service on each part of the business. Giving you one less thing to worry about when embarking on a new steel project.
You can discover our show offers on our website - https://thorburngroup.co.uk/show-offers/ To discuss further, you can find us in Hall 7 at stand 7.932.
Discover the full Clipex Animal Handling Range, includng products for Cattle and Sheep. From hurdles and Autmatic Sheep Handlers, to gates and Cattle Crushes. You can find the full collection inside. ...
Discover the full range of Premier products from Feed Saving Equipment to Cattle Crushes. All manufactured in the Scottish Borders using high quality materials.