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Multi-Metering System

APV Technische Produkte GmbH Hall: 19 Stand number: 19.644
  • Multi-Metering System
  • Multi-Metering System
Multi-Metering System Multi-Metering System

The versions of the Multi-Metering Systems

As standard, the Multi-Metering Systems are available in four versions. As an option, these four models can be variably upgraded and converted. For example, you can turn your Multi-Metering System with spreading disc into a pneumatic spreading device in just a few quick steps!

  • Multi-Metering System MDD: The "D" stands for "Disc".
    The seed is precisely metered by a seeding shaft and is then spread by a spreading disc. This model is particularly suitable for large working widths, e.g. up to 28 m for slug pellets.
  • Multi-Metering System MDP: The „P“ stands for „Pneumatic“.
    Its function and use are similar to those of a classic Pneumatic Seeder. The Multi-Metering System offers 6 outlets for a working width of up to 4.5 m.
  • Multi-Metering System MDG: The „G“ stands for „Gravitation“.
    Its function and use are similar to those of a Pneumatic Seeder, too. However, the metered material is only metered and then spread airless (without a fan, only through gravitation). This spreader is particularly suitable for granules which are metered into an existing airflow or can be spread based on gravity (e.g. mouse bait, silage additives, slug pellets, ...).
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